Friday, September 9, 2016

Internship Week 3

This week still felt like the first week. We are continuing to get into the groove of things in our classroom, and assessments are ongoing.
I taught my first lesson today and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I taught a similar lesson when I was a maternity leave substitute in a first grade class, at the beginning of school last year (2015). However, all I had to use was the “Superhero SWAG” concept (Pinterest find)- I needed to create activities, in order to have a complete lesson.

Since 2006, I have been creating my own digital clipart. I took the Superhero idea and created animated letters, printed, and cut them out. I then wrote the content to match each letter in "SWAG." During whole group, I taught the students about each letter and we used the SmartBoard to work on some examples. The students were then placed in assigned cooperative groupings, and were given an envelope with a dissected sentence inside. They worked together to arrange the sentences, while I walked the room and assisted. The students were engaged and loved the Superheroes! However, we were only in the second week of school, so there were some kinks that arose during the lesson. Students were new to cooperative grouping, and I think I packed the first lesson too full, as I went over my planned lesson time! Introducing something new takes time; pacing is something I know I have to work on improving. However, I do feel that the reason why I went over, was because I was trying to follow the requirements of the 6-step lesson plan. Plus, the students are brand new to first grade and are having to acclimate to the demands of being a first grader. My plan is to go back over the lesson on Monday, possibly extending it a few more days, and have additional activities to reinforce the SWAG concept.

My CT (clinical teacher) did not have anything negative to tell me; she said I was a “natural,” and that really made my day! During our students' specials time, my CT and her hall buddy talked with me and let me know that teachers simply cannot put all the effort that I put into one lesson, in every single lesson. She said it will wear me out and I will want to give up quick. We have an understanding of how different we are in our teaching methods. I like to use technology, animate myself, and move all around while teaching. My CT is a little more reserved; it's okay to be different! I would say my teaching reflects my learning style. I personally learn best when I am visually stimulated, with hands on learning incorporated throughout lessons. When planning lessons, I like to draw my own clipart if I can't find something that I need, and use SmartBoard technology, along with interactive visuals. I do think it is wise to not overdo it, just so I have some energy left for my own children and home life. I imagine learning balance in my life, once I get my own classroom, is something I will work on refining during the first few years of my career as a teacher. I will be pinning lots of first year teacher tips I'm sure! 

My take away from this lesson: Although it is a requirement of East Carolina for me at this time, career teachers do not create 6-step lesson plans for every single lesson they teach. Also, it is okay if I don’t aspire to make everything "Pinterest perfect!" That one might be a little hard to accept! :) haha