Saturday, August 27, 2016

Internship Week 1, Part 2

How am I feeling? I am excited to get the semester started. 
I am a bit anxious and nervous: my Senior 2 classmates and I found out that we would be completing our edTPA, earlier in the semester than previous interns. EdTPA is a type of digital teacher portfolio that we will create. It is an in-depth project through Pearson that will be graded by someone they hire, rather than our university teachers. We have to plan, write (differentiate), teach, and assess students on a certain themed unit that we choose from a list given to us. We also have to include video documentation of teaching the lessons, and we are not allowed to edit. We can shave off parts in the beginning or end, or use a portion from different lessons, but we cannot edit out and patch them together. There are time constraints, along with a lot of documentation of justifying everything we do. East Carolina is covering the first submission payment for edTPA. If we are not successful, we will have to redo, resubmit, and pay for the second submission. The cost? Only $100 for each section that we do not pass. Well then...

Pressure? What pressure?? (oh my goodness, oh my goodness!) So, I will have about two weeks to get to know my students, and then edTPA will begin. I have been told, it is similar to National Board Certification requirements. Oh my! And, I might add...if we fail any parts and have to resubmit, we automatically get a B for our internship (if we were on track for a "A"). If we fail edTPA again, we will not have time to resubmit, and may be told we just aren't cut out to be a teacher. Pretty much that. 

Guess what? There are even edTPA memes! What fun! (I'm assuming you feel the sarcasm poured into this edTPA talk). 
     On a personal note, I am dealing with mommy guilt and worry over my 18 month old daughter starting daycare. Eek! Other than the 8 week substitute job that I completed in the fall of 2015, I have been with her, the majority of her life thus far. I am thankful that we got her into my daycare of choice; however, I am not looking forward to leaving her in someone else's care at all. I was blessed to stay with my oldest son until he started kindergarten, and my second son, until he started preschool. I am a bit saddened that I don't get the chance to do the same with my girl. We will get through it just fine, I'm sure. But, I still have anxiety over it. :) She will probably do better than mommy!